Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Why Am I Fat

Why Am I Fat?

Is this your desperate plea: "Why Am I Fat?" well there can be many reasons, but one surprising one is tiredness and lack of sleep. I know I have touched on it before, but it is so important.

The importance of this came to me very clear again today. I did not manage to sleep enough last night and today I just could not stop eating! Those hunger producing hormones were working overtime.

So, I cannot stress this enough, if you want to lose weight, if you are asking "why am I fat?" you have to get enough sleep. With a tired body the fight is just that much more difficult!

If you are ready for a good diet, go and have a look at Fat Loss 4 Idiots.

For more weight loss tips, visit How To Lose Weight.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Why are you overweight? This is the first thing you have to ask yourself when you start considering Fat Loss For Idiot

Why overweight?

Why do you want to lose weight? This is the second thing you need to think about when you start considering Fat loss For Idiot or Fat Loss 4 Idiot.

Are you ready to change your whole life for the better for good? This is the third thing you need to consider when you start thinking about Fat Loss 4 idiots.

If you are tired of the yo-yo dieting it is time to really consider losing weight for good. Doing self-inspection and thinking about your problem is the best way to start yourself on the way of a new body and a new life.

Why are you over weight?

Only you can answer that question for yourself. Most of the time it is not your fault, you may not be eating too much, your body has adjusted to the amount of calories you consume and no normal diet will make you lose weight without becoming very hungry and uncomfortable. And then--- your body adjusts to the lower calorie intake and you are back to squire one. Your metabolism slows down and you stop losing weight. This is enough to get anyone down; I know that only too well.

It is well worth it for all of us to have a look at Fat Loss For Idiot or Fat Loss 4 Idiots as the answers to our problems can be found here.

You can also visit the site: How To Lose Weight for lots more info

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Weight Lose Plans - Diet Watch – Is It For You?

Weight Lose Plans - Diet Watch – Is It For You?

Diet Watch is a weight loss system conducted online. Once you register and join their program you get access to features like personalized meal plans, weight loss courses, and exercise options. The plan guidelines were developed by a dietician named Jennifer May.

The website is user friendly. Before you sign up you can “take a tour” of the site and the tools that they provide. Even if you don’t follow the Diet Watch plan, the tools may be helpful to continue on the plan that you have chosen and find success.

This plan is good for people who have dietary issues. The program offers four diet plans that can be personalized to meet the needs of the participant. The four plans are: No Restrictions Plan, Reduced Carbs Plan, Heart Healthy/Mediterranean Plan, and the Vegetarian Plan.

Each plan has specific foods that can be enjoyed. There are tools to create shopping lists for the recipes chosen and a way to keep up with nutritional information on the foods that you eat. The database created by Diet Watch lets members track down the nutritional facts on just about any food that exists.

The Diet Watch plan offers a holistic approach to dieting. They provide articles and programs which center on the self-esteem of the dieter. Body image, positive reinforcement, and emotional issues are dealt with here so that members learn about their own barriers to weight loss and how to combat them.

A few more keystrokes and you can discover what exercise works for you. Filling out a free profile assists Diet Watch in developing an exercise program specifically for you. The program offers exercise suggestions and provides a tracking tool to keep up with your progress.

The website also offers support for each of its members. Chat rooms, message boards, and blogs are available for use by members. Experts behind the Diet Watch program can be sought out for advice with specific issues. There is encouragement from staff and fellow members to uplift members when they are in tight spots or feel like giving up.

The Diet Watch plan offers a corporate wellness program that can be used by companies as well. It’s proven that healthy employees are also happier ones. Get your company on a trend towards a healthy mind and body.

An advantage to the program is that it is accessible from anywhere since it is online. Professionals are just a click away for support and tips. Dieting buddies are also close at hand when you need a friend or are looking for accountability partners.

I have to be honest, I still think Fat Loss 4 Idiots is an easier way to go. You lose the weight fast, you can lose 9 pounds in 11 days and it is easy to follow. Why do you not go on over to Fat Loss 4 Idiots and have a look.

Are you still very uncertain of what to do? You can get more information on our website How To Lose Weight. Go there now and get rid of all the uncertainty and the fat as well. Our site's name is How To Lose Weight.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The 11 Day Diet - Fat Loss 4 Idiots

The 11 Day Diet - Fat Loss 4 Idiots

Can the 11 Day Diet really work, is Fat loss 4 Idiots any good? These are perfectly legitimate questions to ask. We all know that normally diets that promise fast weight loss are fad diets. Normally you will not have any long term results with a diet that promises fast weight loss.

A comparison between the 11 Day Diet, Fat Loss 4 Idiots and Fad diets:

  1. A fad diet mostly work on the basis of a very low calorie intake. We all know this is dangerous as your body does not get all the nutrition it needs to function properly. It is no big surprise then that many of them discourage exercise. This is one way you can always know if a diet is any good, you must be able to do moderate exercise while on it.
  2. On the 11 Day Diet - Fat Loss 4 Idiots and concept is used that is called calorie shifting. This means that you consume a different amount of calories each day. This keeps your body from going into "starvation" mode and slow down your metabolism to conserve energy for the most important bodily functions. This helps with burning all that excess fat and that is why you can lose 9 pounds in 11 days. You do not have to do any exercises to lose weight and burn fat.
  3. With a fad diet you can normally only follow the diet for a limited amount of days. Once you have finished those days you normally have to eat normally for a few days before you can start again. You will find that in those "normal" days you gain some of the weight you lost back. The reason for this is that a big part of the weight you lost was only water and as soon as you re-hydrate you put that weight back on. You may also feel very weak because most of the rest of the weight you lost were muscle instead of fat.
  4. The calorie shifting in fat loss 4 idiots prevents all that. Your body is tuned into a fat burning machine and the weight you lose is fat and not water and muscle. You can also follow the 11 day plan over and over again until you reach your desired weight. Because your metabolism does not slow down and because you are not losing muscle you also do not feel so tired. Fat loss 4 idiots also has a guide that teaches how to maintain your ideal weight once you have reaches it.
  5. Another problem with these "quick weight loss" diets is that you usually can eat only a very limited variety of food. Most of the time it is the same food you have to eat all the time, over and over again. It is often boredom that makes you abandon the diet. Others are far too high on fat to be safe or they contain no fruit or vegetables which can lead to malnutrition.
  6. It is true that on the 11 day diet you do eat a lot of protein, but, there are also vegetables included in the menu. In fact you tell the diet generator what your food preferences are and it generates a diet uniquely suited to you. Of course certain food simply cannot be part of a weight loss diet and you will have to make some sacrifices. You will not go hungry though as you are allowed to eat until just before you are full.

We have to be realistic here; you are not going to lose weight without a little effort on your side. With the 11 Day Diet - Fat Loss 4 idiots, you will find it easier than with any starvation diet or a diet where you have to eat all the same food all the time. Fat loss 4 Idiots are not perfect for sure, but it is one of the best option our there and well worth a try.

Go to our site to read more about weight loss if you are not convinced yet to make a decision. There you will get some very good general information on weight loss. Losing 9 pounds in 11 days is possible with Fat Loss 4 Idiots. It is no scam nor is it a fad diet. Read more about this amazing way of losing weight on our site How To Lose Weight