Thursday, October 22, 2009

How To Burn Fat Belly And How to Get Flat Abs in Only 30 Days

Tips for How To Burn Fat Belly And How to Get Flat Abs in Only 30 Days:

Do you need help with how to burn fat belly and with how to get flat abs? Is this your problem? Do you suffer from a gut that just won’t stop?  Well, you don’t have to put up with this condition.  With some hard work, you can get flat abs in just 30  short days. Youcan find out how to burn fat belly, read on....

The key to flat abs is is a regimen that works all of your abdominal muscles.  This serves a double purpose because you will also find it is a good way of how to burn fat belly. You should do the following exercises a minimum of four times a week for four weeks if you want to get flat abs in just one month.

You will notice that none of these exercises to help you to get flat abs in 30 days requires any special equipment.  You can do the entire workout on your floor needing only a bottle of water.

First, you will do belly rolls.  

These work your vertical ab muscles.  What you do is sit with your legs bent, feet flat on the floor with your arms straight in front of you.  Exhale your breath and roll back until your lower back touches the ground.  Then inhale and roll back up.

You will want to repeat the belly rolls 15 times and then do this variation: when you exhale, roll your body back until your shoulders touch the ground.  Repeat the shoulder belly rolls 15 times as well.

Next up is tummy curls.   

These work your horizontal ab muscles.  What you will do is lie on your back and bend your knees at about an 80 degree angle.  Raise your feet slightly higher than your knees.  Lift your rear end and roll back to your shoulder blades.  Inhale and then roll to your tail bone without letting your butt touch the ground.  Repeat the tummy curls 20 times.

The third exercise is the cross crunches which help out your waist.  

You are going to use a 1 liter bottle of water to do this exercise.  Lie on your back with your knees bent at a 90-degree angle with the floor and cradle your left hand behind your head. Hold the water bottle in your right hand.  Lift your head and shoulders off of the ground and reach across your body, so the bottle is outside your left knee. Repeat 20 times before switching sides and doing it another 20 times.

Tailbone lifts are the next exercise and they work your lower ab muscles.  

What you are going to do is lie on your back, arms stretched straight over your head and legs fully extended and crossed in the air. Exhale as you lift your tailbone, and then slowly lower your back as you inhale.  Resist the urge to just drop on the way down.  Do this exercise 30 times before moving on.

The final exercise is inverted crunches.  

These work your lower back muscles.  To perform this exercise, lie on your stomach, arms in front of you as if flying. Exhale and lift just your right arm and left leg as high as you can. Then inhale and lower your leg. Switch off, lifting your left arm and right leg. Alternate sides, doing 20 lifts on each side. As a final step, lift both arms and legs 20 times.

If you want to get flat abs in just 30 days, you will follow this exercise regime diligently for a full month.  Remember to schedule in the exercises at least four times per week.

While there are no magic cures for how to burn fat belly, you can get rid of belly fat and have flat abs in 30 days is not an impossibility with the right amount of work.

So, now you have the answer to the two biggest weight loss problem of many, how to burn fat belly and how to get flat abs in only 30 days!

For more help with how to burn fat belly, go to the site How To Lose Weight Calories and go to the page How To Burn Fat Belly.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

How To Get Exercise - 8 Best Exercises To Lose Weight Quickly

Here is some help for you if you are wondering about how to get exercise. You will be surprised how easy it actually is.

It is not that difficult to find out how to get exercise, the best exercises to lose weight quickly are not secrets reserved for a mere few. They are quite common, yet they are overlooked by many. People seeking to lose weight might think there's some magic program or exercise that will get it done.

Would it surprise you to know that you probably already participate in some of these exercises? The real secret is in knowing how to do those exercises for maximum benefit.

If you walk or climb stairs, for instance, you are utilizing the best exercises to lose weight quickly. You just need to make the most of them by upping the frequency and time you commit to these heart-thumping activities.

Unless you spend a vigorous 45 to 60 minutes every day on these exercises, you won't lose weight quickly. You'll just get tired. The key is consistency and that you work your system regularly. Muscle-building exercises are most effective to lose weight quickly.

Whichever exercise you choose, make sure you put all your energy into it. You want to keep your heart rate up and your blood pumping throughout the exercise period, with a proper cool down afterwards.

If you're brisk walking, for example, walk slowly for the final few minutes to give your body a chance to cool down. Stopping suddenly can cause muscle cramps and really isn't good for your heart. Give it time to fall back to normal while you're moderately active.

Make sure you drink lots of water while exercising to replenish your reserves and to help prevent cramping.

When you're ready, here are the 8 best exercises to lose weight quickly. Start gradually and let your body adjust to the workouts.

If you want to know how to get exercise, try these:

1. Squats: This exercise is great for building leg and buttock muscles. Stand with your feet at shoulder width apart and squat down and then up 10-20 times through two or three sets.

2. Jumping Jacks: You probably remember these from your school days. They provide one of the best whole body aerobic workouts. Do four or five set of 20 jumping jacks for best results.

3. Stepping: If you've made numerous trips upstairs while moving or cleaning, you'll know how much energy this exercise takes. The benefits are multi-fold: burns calories, boosts heart rate,  great aerobics workout, builds leg and buttock muscles. You can use your stairs for this. Step up and down 20 times, rest and repeat two or three times.

4. Walking: Fast walking is better than slow walking, but both are beneficial. If you want an exercise to lose weight quickly, walk briskly for half an hour and you can burn up to 180 calories.

5. Bicycling: The outdoors can be more enjoyable, but stationary indoor cycles can provide an equally good exercise to lose weight quickly. In fact, if you apply the right amount of resistance at the right speed, you can lose between 250 and 500 calories in half an hour.

6. Swimming: This is a great, fun exercise for many people. It provides an excellent cardio workout that uses your entire body. Doing the breast stroke for half an hour can burn 400 calories.

7. Cross Country Skiing: Another fun activity with the same benefits as swimming.

8. Jump Rope: This isn't just a kids' game. Adults can get a terrific, unparalleled total body workout by jumping rope for as little as 15 to 20 minutes.

That gives you eight of the top workouts you can try.  These are just some of the best exercises to lose weight quickly. So, you need not be wondering “how to get exercise” any more, try these and you will see results very soon.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Benefit From Different Healthy Eating Diets

Looking at all the different healthy eating diets can get confusing.  One diet might say you should never eat bread, while another diet says that whole grain bread is a healthy food.  One diet says to avoid fat wherever possible, and yet another diet says that some fat is really good for you.  They can’t all be right, so how do you know which diet is really the healthiest? How do you know which to choose for your own healthy eating plan?

The truth is that the healthy eating diets that are most popular today might not contain the answers.  Many people eat a very healthy diet without following a popular diet plan.  They use parts of several different diets to make up the one that works best for them. 

A low-carb diet might be very healthy for someone who tends to have high blood sugar and is a little insulin resistant.  But that diet might be so low in carbohydrates that it leaves the person feeling deprived.  Some very low carbohydrate diets can even make you feel ill after a few days of eating only fat and protein.

Many healthy eating diets aren’t necessarily low in carbohydrates, but they focus on only a certain type of carbohydrate.  “Good” carbohydrates like oatmeal and whole grains that have a lower effect on blood sugar might be perfectly all right for a borderline diabetic.  But other parts of those diets that allow for too much fat or require more meat intake than a person wants make the diet unsuitable. 
Here’s where you can vary from these healthy eating diets and come up with a good compromise on your own.  A person in that situation might avoid most carbs like flour and refined sugar, but incorporate some whole grains and slow-digesting carbohydrates.  This might help the person achieve a good balance that is best for them. 

A very low-fat diet might be one person’s choice, while another feels that the lack of good fats isn’t healthy.  They might also feel hungry and deprived on a very low-fat diet.  A higher-fat diet plan might not be ideal either, if most of the fats are animal or saturated fats—most very low-carbohydrate plans are higher-fat, for instance.  The best thing to do would be to take the healthiest points from both of those diet plans, and maybe a few others, and make up your own healthy eating diets.

Most of the diets you’ll find in books or those popularized by celebrities are, for the most part, healthy diet plans.  But when part of a diet makes it unpleasant for you to stick to—things like no caffeine or coffee ever, no sweet treat at any time—then it’s very easy to just ignore all the good points of the diet and cheat.  If you’ll choose the parts of different diets that work best for you, however, you can combine them.  By using the best parts of different healthy eating diets, you’ll have a plan you can live with.

Friday, October 9, 2009

You Should Develop A Healthy Eating Habit

Of all the habits we tend to get into, few of us suffer from a healthy eating habit.  Most of us have bad habits we’d like to break.  We smoke, or drink too much, or eat too much chocolate.  We have good habits, too, we just think about them much less often. 

We might hang our keys in the same place every day so we never lose them, or walk a mile after dinner every day.  Those are good habits that get much less attention from us as the bad ones we’d like to get rid of.  Healthy eating can become one of those good habits.  It just takes a little preparation.

How often have you gone to the grocery store with the plan of eating only healthy, nutritious foods and purchased things like celery, grapes, lettuce, carrots, bananas and a variety of other produce?  It’s all too easy, then, a week or so later to be throwing away many of those foods purchased with the best intentions because they’ve started to go bad. 

Maybe you bought chicken breasts and fish for those healthy dinners you planned to make, too.  And instead you ended up eating out almost every night because by the time you got ready to make dinner you were already starving, and didn’t have a healthy eating habit in place.  Cooking seemed like too much of a chore, or it seemed too time consuming, so you ate at a restaurant. 

You just didn’t have a healthy eating habit yet.  But you can change that. Next time you’re ready to go to the grocery store, stop. Decide on a few meals and snacks you’ll have over the next few days or week, depending on how far you like to plan ahead.  Make a list of some things you’ll need to have those meals, and stick to the list. 

If you need some chicken breasts for a dinner, get just enough for the dinner.  Don’t buy three packages thinking you’ll use them if there’s a chance you won’t. You can do that once you have a healthy eating habit, but not yet. 

Don’t buy carrots and celery thinking that you’ll have them as snacks if you really don’t think you’ll use them.  If you’ll be using them to cook with, then there’s a bigger likelihood that you’ll use them up.

When you do buy healthy snack foods like fruits and vegetables, make it easier for yourself to develop a healthy eating habit.  When you get home from the grocery store (or you can pick a time soon after that, in the next day or so) immediately wash the grapes and put them in a bowl, wash and chop the celery and carrots, clean the melon and cut it into chunks and do other preparation. 

Then next time you want a snack, you won’t be discouraged by the idea of having to wash, peel and chop.  It’s easier to have a healthy eating habit when all you have to do is grab and go.