Saturday, May 30, 2009

Tips For Running For Weight Loss Safely

Tips For Running For Weight Loss Safely

Are you interested in learning more about running for weight loss? The concept is actually simple: Running is good for you, and can help you lose weight. But most people are not in ideal shape to simply go out there and begin running.

If you want to implement running for weight loss into your weight loss and exercise program, here is an excellent way to get it done:

Begin by creating a walking and running schedule that you are comfortable with. Break it into a six week program, a twelve week program or even an eighteen week program as needed.

Once you know how long your walk / run program is going to last, the next step is to design a plan that you will be comfortable with. Here is an example of a walking and running program for weight loss -

Week 1: Walk / Run 3 times a week, such as on Monday, Wednesday and Friday for example.

Trip 1 - Alternate between walking for 1 minute and running for 30 seconds.
Trip 2 - Alternate between walking for 1 minute and running for 30 seconds.
Trip 3 - Alternate between walking for 1 minute and running for 30 seconds.

Week 2: Walk / Run 4 times a week, such as on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday for example.

Trip 1 - Alternate between walking for 2 minutes and running for 1 minute.
Trip 2 - Alternate between walking for 3 minutes and running for 2 minutes.
Trip 3 - Alternate between walking for 2 minutes and running for 1 minute.
Trip 4 - Alternate between walking for 3 minutes and running for 2 minutes.

Week 3: Walk / Run 4 times a week, such as on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday for example.

Trip 1 - Alternate between walking for 5 minutes and running for 3 minutes.
Trip 2 - Alternate between walking for 8 minutes and running for 4 minutes.
Trip 3 - Alternate between walking for 5 minutes and running for 3 minutes.
Trip 4 - Alternate between walking for 8 minutes and running for 4 minutes.

This process would continue with logical progressions based on how much time you spend walking and how much time you spend running, until you end up at the desired results.

An example of your final week of your plan may look something like this -

Week 12: Walk / Run 4 times a week, such as on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday for example.

Trip 1 - Alternate between walking for 10 minutes and running for 10 minutes.
Trip 2 - Alternate between walking for 12 minutes and running for 12 minutes.
Trip 3 - Alternate between walking for 10 minutes and running for 12 minutes.
Trip 4 - Alternate between walking for 10 minutes and running for 12 minutes.

By now, you are running or jogging quite a bit, meaning that you are in much better shape than when you began.

Because a walked mile is approximately 15 minutes and a mile you run is 10-12 minutes or less, you can expect to be doing several miles per week following this schedule, and losing plenty of weight in the process as you get into better shape!

For More Tips On How To Lose Weight Calories, have a look at my site!

You can get a good diet at Fat Loss 4 Idiots!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

What Is The Best Teenage Diet Plan For You

What Is The Best Teenage Diet Plan For You

Any teenage diet plan can pose a potential health risk, especially in people who have certain medical conditions. It's imperative, therefore, to seek medical advice before starting such a plan. In most cases, doctors will advise against teenage dieting because it usually is not necessary.

Teens are at a vulnerable stage and take peer pressure very seriously. They worry about their appearance which can cause those who do not have a weight problem to take drastic measures. Skipping meals is not the answer.

The best teenage diet plan provides the proper nutrients that are needed to build healthy bones and maintain overall good health from the inside out. Your doctor can advise you on the best plan for your specific needs.

If you eat junk foods constantly you will not receive the benefits of a good teenage diet plan. Instead, they will be at risk of developing weight-related health problems that include diabetes and heart disease.

Keep in mind that being a little heavy is common in people your age. Most people will lose that excess weight naturally as they grow. Also, everyone is different. What might be a good weight for someone else might not be right for you. You have to consider your bone size, your height, and what is a normal weight for your family.

You can always benefit from eating nutritious meals and avoiding junk food, which contains very little nutrition. Here's a good teenage diet plan you can follow to reduce your weight if you are overweight.

One important element of a good teenage diet plan is exercise. Sometimes, this is enough. It helps your body to digest the food that you eat. It builds muscle which naturally burns calories. Exercise uses energy that would otherwise turn into fat.

We've already talked about avoiding fast foods and any high carbohydrate and sugar-based foods such as candy bars, potato chips and sodas. They have limited to no nutritional value. When eaten, these foods quickly turn to unhealthy fat which can block your blood vessels and arteries.

It's best to create your teenage diet plan with your doctor's or parent's help, especially if you are extra heavy. Refer to healthy eating books and magazines for advice and ideas. Preparing a diet plan that gets results is not that difficult.

Fruits and vegetables: Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables to ensure you get natural minerals. Certain vegetables, like asparagus, will help you to lose weight. Carry small quantities of fruits and vegetables for snacks.

Lean meats: Lean meat can actually help you to lose weight because it takes more energy to digest than other foods. Avoid eating a lot of red meat because it contains more fat than other meats and is harder to digest. Choose chicken or fish instead. Eat a small amount every day.

Milk and cheese: These two foods provide much needed calcium. Skim milk has less fat than 100% milk but with all the goodness. Cheese is another food that can actually help you to lose weight because it boosts your metabolism.

Water: Water is essential, especially when you're exercising. It's about the only food you can eat that is guaranteed non-fattening.

Rather than eating three large meals a day, switch to 4-6 smaller meals a day. This will keep your body's metabolism working and prevent the food from turning to fat.

Remember that the best teenage diet plan involves eating less more often, and getting lots of exercise.

For A Good Diet you may want to go to Fat Loss 4 Idiots. The diet is worked out atoung your personal preferences.

Go To Fat Loss 4 Idiots Now!

If you still want to read more about weight loss got to my site How To Lose Weight Calories and my other blog called How To Lose Weight.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Tips For You On Weight Loss Products

Tips For You On Weight Loss Products

In this day and age, if a you want to lose weight, you can do so with a lot of outside help. You can do this in the form of exercise, food regulation, weight loss products and programs and weight loss medicine.

A ton of weight loss products are now readily available in the market for your use. But with the numerous products for losing weight available in the market, which ones are effective and which ones are not?

Choosing the wrong ones can be dangerous and create more problems than you just trying to lose weight. There are weight loss pills, drinks, patches and weight loss diets. Which ones work and which ones work longer?

Weight loss products include drinks usually marketed as diet supplement drinks, meant to replace food for a meal.

Herbalife products are meant to replace 2 meals everyday with the Herbalife shakes, mixed with nonfat milk, and Herbalife tablets.

Ultra Slim Fast recommends drinking two shakes a day and food intake of a snack and dinner of 500 to 650 calories and an exercise plan.

Other supplement drink products are also available in the market and offer the same things as Herbalife and Ultra Slim Fast. However, these products do not come without side effects.

Many users have reported that they still feel hungry after drinking these products. And because these products do not really aid in teaching users about proper and healthy, long-term eating, most users give up these products and eventually gain back the weight they’ve already lost.

There are also weight loss products in the form of pills as supplements.

Diet pills containing Ephedra claim to aid in weight loss simply by taking a certain number of pills daily.

Green tea extract supplements are pills with ingredients extracted from green tea and enhances weight loss.

There are other products like this but one thing they have in common is that these products do not automatically guarantee weight loss.

Most of the time, these products are not even proven to be safe and effective for losing weight.

There are some weight loss pills that are better than most pill products. These are usually diet pills that contain PPA, glucomannan supplements and chitonan supplements.

These products have been effective because they usually instruct users to pair the weight loss pills with a low-fat, calorie-reduced diet.

Before deciding to try these weight loss products or deciding what to try, make sure you do research on the product and its ingredients first.

Be sure to consult with the US Food and Drug Administration for the safe ingredients and the ones to watch out for. Once decided, make sure to follow instructions carefully.

Misuse or mishandling the product can result in having more health problems. And users must also remember that these weight loss products are not the only factor in losing weight. They simply aid in weight loss and will not do all the work.

The work still has to come from a determination to lose the undesired weight.

Personally I would not recommend weight loss drugs at all. Go to my site How To Lose Weight Calories, and get more tips and info that can help you lose weight without resorting to drugs and other potentially dangerous product.

If you are in a hurry and want a good diet now have a look at Fat Loss 4 Idiots. This is a diet proven to make you lose weight by eating more than three meals a day. Check out Fat Loss 4 Idiots Now.