Meal Replacement diets: Are they better than your average diet?
The most popular meal replacement diet is Slim fast. You can not seem to walk into a grocery store without seeing their products displayed everywhere. You see slim fast shakes, slim fast bars, and even snack bars.
Other companies have jumped on this meal replacement idea also. Kellogg’s Special K has joined the meal replacement movement with their Special K 2 Week Challenge.
The slim fast plan is easy to follow. In fact that is probably the only good thing about it, it is so easy. You have one of their products for breakfast, and then for lunch you can have another one of their products along with 200 calories of whatever food you would like. Your dinner should be about 500 calories and you can have three 120 calorie snacks between meals which should be one of their snack products and some fruit or vegetables.
The Special K challenge is along those lines. You eat a bowl of special k with skim milk and fruit for breakfast. Then you can replace another mean with either a special K protein meal bar or more cereal. Your third meal should be eaten as your normally do and then you can have two snacks that can be Special K protein snack bars, water, cereal bars or snack bites. It is also recommend that you eat fruits and vegetables for additional snacks.
Do these diets work? Of course they do at first. Anytime you eat fewer calories than you have been, you are going to see a drop in your weight. Are they diets that should be used long term? Absolutely not. You might not be getting nearly enough calories or nutrients that your body requires. Also, the ingredients on the slim fast shakes are not as nutritious as the commercials make them sound.
As for the Special K, we know the cereal is good for us, but how about all the new replacement bars that they have came out with? Also with the Special K challenge, it is suppose to be for only two weeks. So what happens when those two weeks are up and you go back to eating regular? The same thing with Slim Fast, you can not stay on that program for the rest of your life so what will happen when you finally stop the program?
The weight is going to come back on once you start eating normally again. Meal replacement diets do not provide you with lasting results and it is not a good idea to use them if you have a lot of weight to lose. Most people use Slim Fast or Special K if there is an event coming up that they want to lose five pounds for, but to use it for serious weight loss is not a good idea.
There is a weight loss program that can solve all your problems. It is called Fat Loss 4 Idiots™.
You can go there now and check it out. Fat Loss 4 Idiots™.
You can also visit the site How To Lose Weight for more information on weight loss.
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